HR(human resource) Development
Our center is not only focused on creating the next-generation integrated electronic technology, it is also committed to develop human resources for carrying out research and development.
To cultivate doctoral students and young researchers, participation in industry-academic collaborative research is important. Their participation in the research and development involving different fields, where they will work together with corporate researchers and engineers from various industries and learn how knowledge is applied in on-site developments in business, will help broaden their overview and deepen their expertise. We hope that the researchers and engineers from the participating companies will also acquire knowledge systematically and reaffirm/understand the importance of learning, in innovation and creation, through their participation in the research and development involving different fields, which encompass the technology supply chain, here at our center. In addition, looking to the future, we will work on the development of highly skilled human resources for the IT and automotive fields through collaboration and cooperation with industry, academia, government, and financial institutions.
We will build an international base for industry–academia collaboration, where global knowledge circulates, and we will produce innovative technology and highly skilled human resources, contributing to an energy-saving society.
Advanced Human Resource Development Program
The following programs have been implemented with the objective of developing young research resources in the field of integrated electronics technology.
1. Lectures and curriculum delivered by industry-academia joint faculties (credit courses)
In these courses, we explain the types of talents required in industry sectors and society as a whole, create curriculum based on those principles, and offer lectures by members of industry-academia joint faculties.
2. Participating in Tohoku Semiconductor Electronics Design Consortium
We participate in Tohoku Semiconductor Electronics Design Consortium responsible for the human resource development etc. in Tohoku established by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
3. Industry-academia collaboration OJT system promoting advanced human resource development
RA system within the CIES consortium
We elucidate the responsibilities of people engaged in industryacademia collaborative research and aim to encourage graduate sudents /postdoctoral / young researchers to participate in industry-academia collaborative research by providing compensation.
RA System within X-nics
RA System within X-nics Human resources with business sense and an overview of the entire technological value chain of semiconductor integrated circuits, including materials, devices, design, circuits, architecture, integration technology, prototyping, evaluation, and systemization, who can also deepen their own understanding of core technologies and specialized fields.

X-nics RA Students
Internship system
A promotion system has been organized targeting doctoral course students (DCs), post-doctoral fellows (PDs), and young faculties etc., to help to take part in internships at companies participating in CIES consortium.
4. Participating in University program
Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics (CSIS)
In the certification of "Designated National University", the CSIS is aiming to establish a hub that pioneers new field of "Spin-Centered Science" in the world by strategically gathering outstanding researchers through international collaborations.
Center for Spintronics Research Network, Tohoku University (CSRN)
The CSRN is aiming at the formation of research network hub to promote collaborative research with domestic and international institutes for accelerating international competitiveness of world-leading spintronics research, creating new industries, strengthening the current industry and developing next generation human resources.
Graduate Program in Spintronics, Tohoku University (GP-Spin)
This program aims to foster researchers who can play an active role internationally in spintronics area which is our strength research field. This program is supervised by world leading professors including CIES members.
Tohoku Forum for Creativity
We participate in a university program that develop human resources who can start a business or play an active role in a company through the research. The program cultivates not only fundamental business skills like management and communication but also advanced skills like setting issues and solving problems.