Director's Message

Director of CIES
Tetsuo Endoh
Integrated electronics is a technology that is used in all kinds of industrial products and social infrastructure, and determines the quality of our lives. To meet the social needs of carbon neutrality, AI/IoT/DX, and Society 5.0, innovative integrated electronics systems that can achieve significant low-power operation are required.
The Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems (CIES) has conducted the CIES consortium consisting of industry-academia joint researches, major national projects, and regional collaboration projects through the cooperation of domestic and foreign companies from fields such as materials, equipment, devices, circuits and systems with support of local government. This center plays a part in the "Technology Co-creation for Semiconductor of Tohoku University" established by Tohoku University in 2021, and is expanding its R&D fields from spintronics to AI hardware and power electronics, and has promoted to develop core technologies related to integrated electronics. In addition, we are collaborating with Tohoku University startup "Power Spin Inc." to accelerate the social implementation of developed technologies and the further advancement of industry-academia collaboration.
In June 2023, Japan's "Semiconductor/Digital Industrial Strategy" was revised, and "advanced technology development (spintronics technology) at academia-based centers" was positioned as a goal/strategy. We recognize that the responsibility of this center has increased significantly. At the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the “the U.S.-Japan University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research & Development in Semiconductors (UPWARDS) for the Future" was concluded. In response, this center is working on innovative semiconductor R&D, manufacturing, supply chain, and human resource development through collaboration between industry and Japanese and U.S. universities.
Through these activities, we hope to contribute to the development of our home prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, the realization of a carbon-neutral society, and ensuring economic growth and economic security.
The development of this center to this day is due to the continued support and cooperation of many people. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all for your dedication and continued support.
March 2024