FY 2022
Journal Papers
*Peer Reviewed Paper
*25 | H. Naganuma, H. Honjo, C. Kaneta, K. Nishioka,S. Ikeda, and T. Endoh, "Influence of sidewall damage on thermal stability in quad-CoFeB/MgO interfaces by micromagnetic simulation", AIP Advances,12, 125317,2022/12/21 |
*24 | Y. Ogawa, M. Araidai, T. Endoh, and K. Shiraishi, "Effect of interfacial nitrogen defects on tunnel magnetoresistance in an Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junction", Journal of Applied Physics,132, 213904,2022/12/2 |
*23 | K. Kobayashi, K. Hayakawa, J. Igarashi, W. A. Borders, S. Kanai, H. Ohno, and S. Fukami, "External-Field-Robust Stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Using a Free Layer with Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Coupling", Physical Review Applied,18,054085,2022/11/29 |
*22 | T. Hioki, and E. Saitoh, "Stochastic dynamics of a metal magnon parametron", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 132, 203901, 2022/11/28 |
*21 | K. Hoshi, T. Hioki, E. Saitoh, "Spin motive force induced by parametric excitation", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 121, 212404, 2022/11/21 |
*20 | T. Li, Y. Ma, and T. Endoh, "From Algorithm to Module: Adaptive and Energy-Efficient Quantization Method for Edge Artificial Intelligence in IoT Society", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,Early Access,2022/11/18 |
*19 | M. Aoki, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, T. Shinjo, M. Shiraishi, and Y. Ando, "Anomalous sign inversion of spin-orbit torque in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic bilayer systems due to self-induced spin-orbit torque", Physical Review B, 106, 174418, 2022/11/17 |
*18 | S. Yoshii, K. Kato, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, K. Usami and M. Shiraishi, "Significant suppression of two-magnon scattering in ultrathin Co by controlling the surface magnetic anisotropy at the Co/nonmagnet interfaces", Physical Review B, 106, 174414, 2022/11/16 |
*17 | S. Sakamoto, T. Nozaki, S. Yuasa, K. Amemiya, and S. Miwa, "Origin of enhanced interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in LiF-inserted Fe/MgO interface", Physical Review B, 106, 174410, 2022/11/14 |
*16 | J. Okabayashi, K.Z. Suzuki, S. Mizukami, "Tracing magnetic atom diffusion with annealing at the interface between CoMn alloy and MnGa layer by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 564, 170163, 2022/11/11 |
*15 | Won‐Yong Lee, Min‐Sung Kang, Jae Won Choi, Si‐Hoo Kim, No‐Won Park, Gil‐Sung Kim, Yun‐Ho Kim, E. Saitoh, Young‐Gui Yoon, Sang‐Kwon Lee, "Abnormal Seebeck Effect in Vertically Stacked 2D/2D PtSe2/PtSe2 Homostructure", ADVANCED SCIENCE, 9, 2203455, 2022/11/10 |
*14 | R. Kawarazaki, H. Narita, Y. Miyasaka, Y. Ikeda, R. Hisatomi, A. Daido, Y. Shiota, T. Moriyama, Y. Yanase, Alexey V. Ognev, Alexander S. Samardak and T. Ono, "Magnetic-field-induced polarity oscillation of superconducting diode effect", Applied Physics Express, 15, 113001, 2022/11/1 |
*13 | K. Ohnishi, M. Aoki, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, Y. Ando, T. Takenobu and M. Shiraishi, "All-electric spin device operation using the Weyl semimetal, WTe2, at room temperature", Advanced Electronic Materials, 9, 2200647, 2022/10/18 |
*12 | N. Yamashita, E. Shigematsu, S. Honda, R. Ohshima, M. Shiraishi and Y. Ando, "Realization of efficient tuning of the Fermi level in iron-based ferrimagnetic alloys", PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 6, 104405, 2022/10/12 |
*11 | H. Mizuno,T. Moriyama, K. Tanaka, M. Kawaguchi, T. Koyama, D. Chiba and T. Ono, "Electric field effect on spectroscopic g-factor and magnetic anisotropy in a Pt/Co/MgO ultrathin film", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61, 103001, 2022/10/10 |
*10 | T. Kikkawa, K. Oyanagi, T. Hioki, M. Ishida, Z. Qiu, R. Ramos, Y. Hashimoto, and E. Saitoh, "Composition-tunable magnon-polaron anomalies in spin Seebeck effects in epitaxial Bi x Y 3− x Fe 5 O 12 films", PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 6, 104402, 2022/10/6 |
*9 | Y. Kurokawa, Y. Tahara, Y. Hamada, M. Fujimoto, H. Yuasa, "Scalable spin Seebeck thermoelectric generation using Fe-oxide nanoparticle assembled film on flexible substrate", Scientific Reports, 12, 16605, 2022/10/5 |
*8 | A. Hirohata, K. Elphick, D.C. Lloyd, S. Mizukami, "Interfacial quality to control tunnelling magnetoresistance", Frontiers in Physics, 10, (2022).,2022/10/4 |
*7 | M. Uemoto, H. Adachi, H. Naganuma, and T. Ono, "Density functional study of twisted graphene L10-FePd heterogeneous interface", Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 095301, 2022/9/1 |
*6 | R. R. Chowdhury, S. DuttaGupta, C. Patra, A. Kataria, S. Fukami, and R. P. Singh, "Anisotropic magnetotransport in the layered antiferromagnet TaFe1.25Te3", Physical Review Materials, 6, 084408, 2022/8/12 |
*5 | T. Funatsu, S. Kanai, J. Ieda, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Local bifurcation with spin-transfer torque in superparamagnetic tunnel junctions", Nature Communications,13, 4079(1)-(8) (2022).,2022/7/14 |
*4 | H. Masuda, T. Seki, Y. Yamane, R. Modak, K. Uchida, J. Ieda, Y.C. Lau, S. Fukami, and K. Takanashi, "Large Antisymmetric Interlayer Exchange Coupling Enabling Perpendicular Magnetization Switching by an In-Plane Magnetic Field", 17, 054036, 2022/5/23 |
*3 | L. Zhang, Y. Ma, and T. Endoh, "Efficient BCH Code Encoding and Decoding Algorithm with Divisor-Distance-Based Polynomial Division for STT-MRAM", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Early Accessのため未定 |
*2 | T. Uchimura, J.Y. Yoon, Y. Sato, Y. Takeuchi, S. Kanai, R. Takechi, K. Kishi, Y. Yamane, S. DuttaGupta, J. Ieda, H. Ohno, and S. Fukami, "Observation of domain structure in non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn thin films by magneto-optical Kerr effect", Applied Physics Letters, 120, 172405 , 2022/4/27 |
*1 | Y. Yamane, S. Fukami, and J. Ieda, "Theory of Emergent Inductance with Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects", Physical Review Letters,128, 147201,2022/4/7 |