CIES Consortium
Community-based Cooperation Projects
Project Leader: Prof. Tetsuo Endoh
Integrated Electronics Project
- R&D of electronic device components for IT
Car Electronics Project
- R&D of electronic device components for automotive
Promotion of regional cooperation in integrated electronics and car electronics fields
Project Leader
Tetsuo Endoh
This activity aims to spread excellent core technologies of local companies to the world with cooperation of local government and administrative agencies. In particular, the following activities have been promoted.
- Sophisticate core technologies of local companies by integrating foundamental technologies and scientific knowledge of CIES;
- Develop cooperation among local companies in electronics and automotive field, and apply the core technologies to new application, and work on study meeting of commercialization in cooperation with Miyagi and Iwate Prefectural Government ;
- Promote cooperation between local companies and world-class companies at CIES as a place to meet, and spread the core technologies of local companies to the world.
Under these activities, unique core technologies by local companies will be applied to integrated electronics and car electronics, and the application and commercialization of the innovative devices will be promoted to next generation of IT and car electronics.
CIES will continue to contribute to Tohoku promotion.

Basic policy of the Community-based cooperation