52 | Yoshiaki Saito, Shoji Ikeda, Hirofumi Inoue, and Tetsuo Endoh "Enhancement of Damping-Like Spin-Orbit-Torque Efficiency in Synthetic Antiferromagnetic System using Pt-Cu Alloy" IEEE International Magnetic Conference (Intermag 2023),Hybrid (Sendai, JAPAN),2023/5/30 |
51 | M. Osada, K. Fujiwara, T. Nojima1, A. Tsukazaki "Optimization of topochemical reduction temperature in superconducting infinite-layer nickelates" 第144回金研講演会,仙台,2023/5/30 |
50 | 根岸真通,藤原宏平,塚﨑敦 「イルメナイト型反強磁性体ATiO3 (A = Mn, Fe, Co)上に堆積したPt薄膜の磁気抵抗効果」 第144回金研講演会,仙台,2023/5/30 |
49 | 藤原宏平,加藤康之,阿部仁,野口駿,塩貝純一,丹羽尉博,組頭広志,求幸年,塚﨑敦 「強磁性Fe-Snアモルファス薄膜の異常ネルンスト効果」 第144回金研講演会,仙台,2023/5/30 |
48 | 高野俊一,長田礎,塚﨑敦 「水溶性酸化物Sr3Al2O6のエッチングによるTiO2自立膜の合成」 第144回金研講演会,仙台,2023/5/30 |
47 | T. Yamazaki, T. Seki, and K. Takanashi "Thermo-spin Detection of Spin Current Transmission across Epitaxial NiO Films" Spin caloritronics XII,Tsukuba Center for Institutes,2023/5/22 |
46 | Ken Asano, Masanori Natsui, and Takahiro Hanyu "Write-Energy Relaxation of MTJ-Based Quantized Neural-Network Hardware" proc. of International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL2023),島根県松江,2023/5/22 |
45 | R. Mandal, R. Momma, K. Ishibashi, S. Iihama, K. Suzuki and S. Mizukami "Topologically Influenced Spintronic Terahertz Emission in Co2MnGa Weyl Semimetal" INTERMAG 2023,Sendai,2023/5/15-19 |
44 | Hiroto Masuda, Yuta Yamane, Takeshi Seki, Klaus Raab, Takaaki Dohi, Rajkumar Modak, Ken-ichi Uchida, Jun’ichi Ieda, Mathias Kläui, and Koki Takanashi "Current-induced magnetization switching in magnetic multilayers with interlayer exchange coupling by dual spin-orbit torque" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
43 | L. Zhang, K. Tokunaga, Y. Kurokawa, R. Satone, T. Tamaoka, Y. Tomita, Y. Murakami, H. Yuasa "Double heterostructure introduction in Pt/Ni/Co system for skyrmion with small size and fast transport" INTERMAG2023,Sendai,2023/5/19 |
42 | Takeshi Seki, Yong-Chang Lau, Junya Ikeda, Kohei Fujiwara, Akihiro Ozawa, Satoshi Iihama, Kentaro Nomura, and Atsushi Tsukazaki "High Spin-Charge Conversion Efficiency of Co3Sn2S2 Promoted by Transition from Paramagnetic to Ferromagnetic Phase" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
41 | Satoshi Iihama, Yuya Koike, Shigemi Mizukami, Natsuhiko Yoshinaga "Nano-scale physical reservoir computing based on propagating spin-wave" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
40 | R. Ramos, T. Hioki, T. Kikkawa,Y. Hashimoto and E. Saitoh "Observation of a Strong Magnetic-Field-Induced Spin Seebeck Effect Suppression in a Nearly Compensated Ferrimagnet" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
39 | Y. Hwang, J. Puebla, K. Kondou, K. Yamamoto, S. Maekawa, Y. Otani "Observation of Coupled Magnon-Phonon Mode Anticrossing in a Two-Port Surface Acoustic Wave Resonator" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
38 | Y. Ikeda, Y. Hamada, Y. Kurokawa, C. Martin Valderrama, A. Berger, H. Yuasa, "Thermoelectric Generation in Y3Fe5O12/Co-Ru/Pt Systems" INTERMAG2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/19 |
37 | C. Schmitt, H. Meer, O. Gomonay, R. Ramos, A. Rajan, F. Schreiber, G. Beneke, A. Kumar, T. Sparmann, B. Bednarz, M. Foerster, M. Angel, J. Sinova, E. Saitoh, L. Baldrati and M. Kläui "Electrical switching of insulating antiferromagnet/heavy metal bilayers" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
36 | S. Horibe, H. Shimizu, K. Hoshi, T. Hioki and E. Saitoh "Nonreciprocal Parametric Magnon Excitation by Surface Mode" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
35 | L. Liao, J. Puebla, J. Kim, Y. Hwang, Y. Otani "Nonreciprocal Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation Enabled by Out-of-Plane Magnetization" INTERMAG2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
34 | Y. Kurokawa, K. Yamada, H. Matsui, M. Shima, H. Yuasa "Observation of Anomalous Nernst Effect in Flexible Co-Pt Nanoparticle Assembled Films Fabricated by Chemical Processes" INTERMAG2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
33 | T. Makiuchi, T. Hioki, H. Shimizu, K. Hoshi, M. Elyasi, K. Yamamoto,N. Yokoi, G. Bauer and E. Saitoh "Observation of Coherence Anomaly in Y3Fe5O" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
32 | J. Okabayashi, Y. Miura, K. Tanaka, K. Suzuki, S. Mizukami "Quadrupole electronic structures in Mn 3-δGa thin films studied by XMLD and ARPES" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
31 | T. Hioki, T. Makiuchi, H. Shimizu, K. Hoshi, M. Elyasi, K. Yamamoto, N. Yokoi, G. Bauer and E. Saitoh "State tomography for magnetization dynamics and persistent coherence in Y3Fe5O12" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
30 | H. Shimizu, T. Hioki and E. Saitoh "Time-resolved state tomography for temporal evolution of nonlinear magnetization dynamics under parallel pumping" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/18 |
29 | R. R. Chowdhury, C. Patra, S. DuttaGupta, S. Fukami, and R.i P. Singh "Unconventional Emergent Hall Effect Phenomena and its Modification in a van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2" Intermag 2023, CPB-09,Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan,2023/5/18 |
28 | T. Hioki, T. Makiuchi, H. Shimizu, K. Hoshi, M. Elyasi, K. Yamamoto, N. Yokoi, G. Bauer and E. Saitoh "State tomography for magnetization dynamics and persistent coherence in Y3Fe5O" INTERMAG 2023,Sendai, Japan,2023/5/18 |
27 | J. Chen, S. Sakamoto, H. Kosaki and S. Miwa "Effect of alkali halide layer insertions on magnetic anisotropy at the Fe/MgO interface" INTERMAG 2023,Sendai International Center,2023/5/17 |
26 | Y. Saito, S. Ikeda,H. Inoue, and T. Endoh "Enhancement of Damping-Like Spin-Orbit-Torque Efficiency in Synthetic Antiferromagnetic System Using Pt-Cu Alloy" INTERMAG 2023, AOC-04,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
25 | K. Tokunaga, Y. Kurokawa, L. Zhang, R. Satone, and H. Yuasa "Improvement of Spin-Orbit Torque Efficiency for High Speed Operation of Tb/Co-Based Skyrmions" INTERMAG2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
24 | R. Stone, Y. Kurokawa, and H. Yuas "Numerical study on skyrmion transport with small size and high speed" INTERMAG2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
23 | S. Sakamoto, M. Tsujikawa, M. Shirai, K. Amemiya and S. Miwa "Orbital Polarization Enhanced by Electron Correlation at the Fe/MgO Interface: A Depth-Resolved X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Study" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
22 | R. Sudo and M. Oogane "Prediction of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Constant in FeCoNi Alloys using Machine Learning" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
21 | Soma Miki, Ken Hashimoto, Ryo Ishikawa,Minori Goto,Yoichi Shiota, Eiiti Tamura, Hikaru Nomura,Yoshishigue Suzuki "Skyrmion diffusion and its voltage gating" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
20 | Mineto Ogawa, Takuya Hara,Shun Hasebe, Michihiko Yamanouchi, and Tetsuya Uemura "Spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in perpendicularly magnetized MnGa/Fe bilayer grown on GaAs" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/17 |
19 | M. Al-Mahdawi and M. Oogane "Ac Susceptibility Measurement Using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
18 | T. Nakano, K. Fujiwara, S. Kumagai, Y. Ando and M. Oogane "CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-based magnetic tunnel junction using soft magnetic composite free layer with TaFeB spacer" IEEE International Magnetic Conference (Intermag 2023),Hybrid (Sendai, JAPAN),2023/5/16 |
17 | Takumi Matsuo, Tomoya Higo, Hanshen Tsai, Daisuke Nishio-Hamane, Kouta Kondou, Shinji Miwa, Yoshichika Otani, Satoru Nakatsuji "Crystal Orientation Control of the Weyl Antiferromagnet Mn3Sn in its Film Capped with a Tantalum Layer" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
16 | M. Wu, T. Chen, T. Nomoto, H. Isshiki,Y. Nakatani, T. Higo, T. Tomita, K. Kondou, R. Arita, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Otani "Electrical manipulation of fast magnetic octupole domain-wall motion in noncollinear antiferromagnets" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
15 | S. Wust, C. Seibel, H. Meer, P. Herrgen, C. Schmitt, L. Baldrati, R. Ramos, T. Kikkawa, E. Saitoh, O. Gomonay, J. Sinova, Y. Mokrousov, H. Schneider, M. Kläui, B. Rethfeld, B. Stadtmüller and M. Aeschlimann "Indirect Optical Manipulation of the Antiferromagnetic Order of Insulating NiO by Ultrafast Interfacial Energy Transfer" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
14 | J. Ito, M. Al-Mahdawi and M. Oogane "Magnetic Hammer Testing with Tunnel Magnetoresistive Sensors" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
13 | N. D. Budai, H. Isshiki, R. Uesugi, Z. Zhu, T. Higo, S. Nakatsuji and Y. Otani "Magnetic imaging by the anomalous Nernst effect using atomic force microscopy" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
12 | N. Tezuka, S. Fujikawa, H. Akatani, M. Matsuura and S. Sugimoto, Y. Saito "Magnetic Switching Properties for Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Layers with Perpendicular Easy Magnetic Anisotropy" IEEE International Magnetic Conference (Intermag 2023),Hybrid (Sendai, JAPAN),2023/5/16 |
11 | N. Tezuka, S. Fujikawa, H. Akatani, M. Matsuura and S. Sugimoto, Y. Saito "Magnetic Switching Properties for Synthetic Antiferromagntic Layers with Perpendicular Easy Magnetic Anisotropy" IEEE International Magnetics Conference,Sendai, Japan,2023/5/16 |
10 | N. Kamata, S. Mizukami, K.Z. Suzuki "Magnetic tunnel junctions utilizing perpendicularly magnetized MnGa ultrathin films grown on sapphire substrate" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
9 | Théo Balland, Takeshi Seki, Takumi Yamazaki, Rie Umetsu, Mineto Ogawa, Tetsuya Uemura, Koki Takanashi "Microfabrication and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Metal/Nonmagnetic Semiconductor Junctions for Spin Pumping-Induced Highly Efficient Spin Injection" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
8 | Keita Ito, Himanshu Sharma, Masaki Mizuguchi, and Koki Takanashi "Modulation of anomalous Nernst effects in Fe4N and Mn4N films on SrTiO3 substrates" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
7 | J. Watanabe, K. Yamada, and Y. Nakatani "Simulation of spin-orbit-torque switching of a perpendicular nanomagnet assisted by DMI " INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
6 | Takumi Yamazaki, Takeshi Seki, and Koki Takanashi "Spin Current Transmission in (111) and (001) Crystal Oriented NiO Films Probed by Thermo-spin Effects" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
5 | K. Hoshi, T. Hioki and E. Saitoh "Spin motive force generated by non-linear spin waves" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
4 | H. Meer, C. Schmitt, L. Sanchez-Tejerina, O. Gomonay, S. Wust, R. Ramos, P. Herrgen, F. Schreiber, F. Fuhrmann, A. Ross, B. Bednarz, A. Rajan, S. Ding, M. Filianina,F. Maccherozzi, D. Backes, M. Foerster, M. Angel, F. Kronast, S. Valencia, M. Mohamad-Assaad,A. Kleibert, J. Sinova, M. Aeschlimann, G. Finocchio, E. Saitoh, L. Baldrati1 and M. Kläui |
3 | G. Emdi, T. Hioki and E. Saitoh "Systematic study of parallel parametric amplification of magnetization dynamics in YIG thin disk" INTERMAG 2023,仙台国際センター,2023/5/16 |
2 | J. Yoon, P. Zhang, C. Chou, Y. Takeuchi, T. Uchimura, J. Hou, J. Han, S. Kanai, H. Ohno, S. Fukami and L. Liu "Unconventional octupole dynamics of a non-collinear antiferromagnet driven by spin-orbit torque" Intermag 2023, BOA-03,Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan,2023/5/16 |
1 | 中村皓平,杜邦,杉下景俊,長谷川稜,木野久志,福島誉史,清山浩司,田中徹 「高い動作安定性と快適な装着性を有する経爪型PPG (PhotoPlethysmography) コントローラの開発」 LSIとシステムのワークショップ2023,東京,2023/5/9 |