FY 2017
Invited talks at international conference
46 | Y. Takahashi, "Advanced Power Module Technology -Interface between Power Electronics and Power Devices-", 4th CIES Technology Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 2018/3/22 |
45 | H. Ohno, "Spintronics Nanoelectronics -Faster, Smarter, and Smaller-", 4th CIES Technology Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 2018/3/22 |
44 | S. Fukami, "Spintronics Devices for Neuromorphic Computing", Center for Nation-Wide Cooperative Research on ICT FY2017 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects “Compass for Next-Gen ICT” Program, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/22 |
43 | H. Sato, K. Watanabe, B. Jinnai, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Development of (Co)FeB/MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions down to X nm", Tohoku/SG-Spin Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/21 |
42 | T. Hanyu, "Challenge of Spintronics-Based Nonvolatile Logic LSI and Its Possibility ", Tohoku/SG-Spin Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/21 |
41 | M. Kohda, S. Takasuna, and J. Nitta, "Spin orbit interaction in a layered semiconductor GaSe", Tohoku/SG-Spin Workshop in spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
40 | H. Ohno, "Nano-spintronics Devices for Integrated Circuits and Artificial Intelligence", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/19 |
39 | T. Endoh, "Nonvolatile Brain-inspired VLSIs based on CMOS/MTJ Hybrid Technology", Tohoku-Purdue Workshop on Novel Spintronics Physics and Materials for Future Information Processing, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/18 |
38 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kunrekov, C. Zhang, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Analog spin-orbit torque devices for edge AI hardware", Tohoku-Purdue Workshop on Novel Spintronics Physics and Materials for Future Information Processing, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/18 |
37 | H. Ohno, "(Special Lecture) Nano Spintronics Devices for VLSI and AI", 16th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, 2018/2/16 |
36 | H. Ohno, "Spintronics Nanodevice -faster, smaller and more intellignet", 2018 Tohoku-Harvard Workshop, Sendai, Japan, 2018/1/18 |
35 | S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching in ferromagnetic heterostructures and its application", Reimei/GP-Spin/ICC-IMR International Workshop "New Excitations in Spintronics", Sendai, Japan, 2018/1/11 |
34 | H. Ohno, "Spintronics for information Processing -from low-power integrated circuits to artificial intelligence", Tsinghua-Tohoku University Joint Workshop on Materials and Spintronics Sciences, Beijing, China, 2017/12/21 |
33 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, C. Zhang, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Analog spin-orbit torque (SOT) devices for artificial neural networks", Japan-Korea Spintronics Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 2017/12/19 |
32 | H. Sato, P. Chureemart, F. Matsukura, R. W. Chantrell, H. Ohno, and R. F. L Evans, "Temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization and magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB/MgO thin films: experiments versus simulations", 6th JSPS Core-to -Core Workshop on “New -Concept Spintronic Devices”, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/16 |
31 | K. Watanabe, B. Jinnai, S. Fukami, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "High Performance Single-Digit-Nanometer Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
30 | S. Fukami, C. Zhang, and H. Ohno, "Sub-nanosecond field-free spin-orbit torque switching", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/13 |
29 | W. A. Borders, H. Akima, S. Fukami, S. Moriya, S. Kurihara, A. Kurenkov, Y. Horio, S. Sato, and H. Ohno, "An Artificial Neural Network Built with Analogue Spin-Orbit Torque Devices", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/13 |
28 | S. Fukami and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching for ultralow-power VLSI and AI hardware", 9th MRAM Global Innovation Forum, San Francisco, USA, 2017/12/7 |
27 | T. Endoh, "Embedded Nonvolatile Memory with STT-MRAMs and its Application for Nonvolatile Brain-Inspired VLSIs", 9th MRAM Global Innovation Forum, San Francisco, USA, 2017/12/7 |
26 | T. Endoh, "An Overview of STT-MRAM and CMOS/MTJ Hybrid NV-Logic from NV-MPU/MCU to NV- Brain-Inspired VLSIs", International Workshop on DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS FOR FUTURE ULSI DEVICES:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IWDTF), Nara, Japan, 2017/11/20 |
25 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, H. Akima, S. Moriya, S. Kurihara, Y. Horio, S. Sato, and H. Ohno, "An analog spin-orbit torque device for edge artificial intelligence", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/9 |
24 | H. Ohno, "Spin on Integrated Circuits", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/8 |
23 | T. Endoh, "NV-Working Memory and its Logic Applications with Spintronics and Vertical BC-MOSFET Technology", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/8 |
22 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, C. Zhang, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Analog spin-orbit torque devices with antiferromagnet for artificial neural networks", Workshop on Antiferromagnetic Spintronics, Grenoble, France, 2017/10/26 |
21 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, C. Zhang, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Use of Analog Spintronics Device in Performing Neuro-Morphic Computing Functions", Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems & Steep Transistors Workshop, CA, USA, 2017/10/19 |
20 | T. Hanyu, "Potential energy savings through the integration of logic and memory", Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems & Steep Transistors Workshop, CA, USA, 2017/10/19 |
19 | M.Niwa, S. Sato, and T. Endoh, "Interface Control of Advanced Electronic Devices -High-k/Metal Gate System and Magnetic Tunneling Junction", ECS Transactions, Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 15: In Memory of Samares Kar, Washington, USA, 2017/10/3 |
18 | H. Ohno, and S. Fukami, "Spin-orbit Torque Devices for Digital and Neuromorphic Computing", Junjiro Kanamori Memorial International Symposium; New Horizeon of Magnetism, Tokyo, Japan, 2017/9/28 |
17 | T. Endoh, "Integrated technologies for CMOS/MTJ hybrid nonvolatile micro-controller unit (MCU) - From IC design tool & IP library to process technologies -" The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronic Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/24 |
16 | S. Fukami, C. Zhang, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching for high-speed nonvolatile memory applications", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/24 |
15 | H. Ohno, "[Keynote Speech] Spintronics Nanodevices for Low-power Integrated Circuits", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
14 | S. Fukami, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, H. Akima, S. Moriya, S. Kurihara, Y. Horio, S. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Analogue spin–orbit torque device for artificial-neural-network-based associative memory operation", SPIE. Optics+Photonics – Spintronics X, San Diego, CA, USA, 2017/8/9. |
13 | H. Ohno, "Spintronics Research at RIEC; Past, Present and Future", Tohoku-Hanyang WECE2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/8/8. |
12 | S. Fukami, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, W. A. Borders, S. Duttagupta, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching devices for high-speed memories and artificial synapses", The 28th Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2017), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2017/8/3 |
11 | S. Fukami, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, W. A. Borders, S. Duttagupta, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque memory devices for integrated-circuit applications", 29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductor (ICDS 2017), Matsue, Shimane, Japan, 2017/8/2. |
10 | H. Ohno, "Three-terminal Spintronics Devices for CMOS Integration", 75th Device Research Conference (DRC), University of Notre Dame, USA, 2017/6/27 |
9 | H. Ohno, "Analog spintronics memory", York-Tohoku-Kaiserslautern Research Symposium On "New-Concept Spintronics Devices", York, UK, 2017/6/23 |
8 | T. Hanyu, "Challenge of Spintronics-Based Nonvolatile VLSI Processor with a Sudden Power-Outage Resilient In-Processor Checkpointing", 2017 Spintronics Workshop on LSI, Kyoto, Japan, 2017/6/5. |
7 | H. Ohno, "Introduction to Spintronics Devices for VLSI", SpinTech Ⅸ, International School and Conference 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017/6/5 |
6 | S. Fukami and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching and its applications", Workshop for the Recent Development in the Spintronics, Fukui, Japan, 2017/6/3. |
5 | T. Hanyu, "Challenge of MOS/MTJ-Hybrid Nonvolatile VLSI Processor for IoE Applications", Emerging Technologies Communications Microsystems Optoelectronics Sensors (ET CMOS 2017), Warszawa, Poland, 2017/5/29 |
4 | T. Endoh, "High Performance STT-MRAM and 3D NAND Memory with Vertical MOSFET Technology", Communications Microsystems Optoelectronics Sensors Emerging Technologies Research 2017(CMOSETR2017), Warszawa, Poland, 2017/5/29 |
3 | T. Nakano, M. Oogane, T. Furuuchi, and Y. Ando, "Magnetic tunnel junctions using perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnetic reference layer for wide-dynamic-range magnetic sensors", ICSS2017, San Sebastian, Spain, 2017/5/10 |
2 | T. Endoh, "Innovative Integrated Systems for IoT/AI", INC2017 Workshop, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2017/5/9 |
1 | T. Endoh, "Embedded Nonvolatile Memory with STT-MRAMs and its Application for Nonvolatile Brain-Inspired VLSIs", 2017 International Symposia on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (2017 VLSI-TSA) , Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2017/4/26 |