Public Information
Awards, Press, etc.
FY 2019
8 | T. Dohi, Dean's Award, Department of Engineering, Tohoku University, 2020/3/24 |
7 | H. Shen, The 3rd Symposium for The Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics, Best Poster Award, "A Novel Cluster Validity Index using Global Separation and Local Dispersion for High Accuracy Image Classification", 2020/2/11 |
6 | Ren Arakawa, ICECS 2019, Best Young Professionals Paper Award, "Multi-Context TCAM Based Selective Computing Architecture for a Low-Paper NN", 2019/11/28 |
5 | K. Watanabe, RIEC Tohoku University Student Award, "Proposal and demonstration of novel ultrafine and high-performance spintronics device", 2019/11/26 |
4 | Muhamad Arif Ihsan Bin Mohd Noor Sam, Symposium on non-destructive inspection 2019, Young researcher award, "Application of Magnetic Tunnel Junction Sensor for the Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete", 2019/11/13 |
3 | T. Ogasawara, M. Oogane, M. Tsunoda, Y. Ando, 2019 MMM Conference Best Poster Award, "Second order interfacial magnetic anisotropy for MgO/CoFeB/Ta films", 2019/11/5 |
2 | W. A. Borders, H. Akima, S. Fukami, S. Moriya, S. Kurihara, Y. Horio, S. Sato, and H. Ohno, 41st JSAP Outstanding Paper Award Recipients 2019, "Analogue spin–orbit torque device for artificial-neural-network-based associative memory operation", 2019/9/18 |
1 | T. Dohi, Young Scientist Presentation Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, "Ferromagnetic layer thickness dependent domain wall chirality and sign of effective Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya field in W/(Co)FeB/MgO systems", 2019/9/18 |