89 | M. Imai, N. Onizawa, T. Hanyu, and T. Yoneda, "Minimum Power Supply Asynchronous Circuits for Re-initialization Free Computing", SASIMI2018, Matsue, Japan, 2018/3/27 |
88 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Design of an MTJ-Based Nonvolatile LUT Circuit with a Data-Update Minimized Shift Operation for an Ultra-Low-Power FPGA", ISFPGA 2018, Monterey, USA, 2018/2/27 |
87 | M. Natsui, H. Suda, and T. Hanyu, "Data-Stream-Aware Computing for Highly Dependable VLSI Systems", The 5th International Symposium on Brainware LSI, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/24 |
86 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "MTJ-Based Nonvolatile FPGA for Brainware LSI Platform", The 5th International Symposium on Brainware LSI, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/24 |
85 | H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, H. Sato, K. Nishioka, T. Watanebe, S. Miura, T. Nasuno,Y. Noguchi, H. Inoue M. Yasuhira, T. Tanigawa, H. Koike, M. Muraguchi, M. Niwa, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "Performance advances in double CoFeB/MgO interface p-MTJs", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
84 | H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, H. Sato, K. Nishioka, T. Watanebe, S. Miura, T. Nasuno,Y. Noguchi, H. Inoue M. Yasuhira, T. Tanigawa, H. Koike, M. Muraguchi, M. Niwa, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "Influence of insertion layer deposition conditions on MTJ properties in perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB-MgO MTJs", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
83 | Y. Ma, S. Miura, H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, T. Hanyu, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "High-Density and Ultra-Low-Power Nonvolatile Associative Memory for Fully Data-Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Search in IoT Applications", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
82 | T. Hanyu, "Challenge of Spintronic-Device-Based Nonvolatile Logic-in-Memory Architecture for Internet-of-Things Applications" Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
81 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Energy-Efficient MTJ-Based Nonvolatile FPGA Using Self-Terminated Power-Gating Scheme", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
80 | S. DuttaGupta, A. Kurenkov, S. Fukami, C. Zhang, and H. Ohno, "Thickness Dependence of Spin-orbit Torque and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in an Antiferromagnet/Ferromagnet Heterostructure", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
79 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization switching in perpendicularly-magnetized Co/Pt multilayers with high thermal stability", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
78 | C. Zhang, S. Fukami, S. DuttaGupta, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Magnetization switching induced by spin-orbit torque in W/CoFeB/MgO devices with various sizes", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
77 | S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching and its applications", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
76 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "An effect of out-of-plane external magnetic field on switching current in nanoscale CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junction with perpendicular easy axis", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
75 | M. Shinozaki, J. Igarashi, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Free-layer size dependence of magnetic properties in CoFeB/MgO nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
74 | H. Sato, P. Chureemart, F. Matsukura, R. W. Chantrell, H. Ohno, and R. F. L. Evans, "Dependence of spontaneous magnetization and magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB/MgO structure on temperature: experiments versus simulations", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
73 | M. Natsui, and T. Hanyu, "Design of a Memory-Access Controller for Energy Efficient Nonvolatile Microcontroller Unit", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
72 | M. Natsui, A. Tamakoshi, and T. Hanyu, "Content-Aware Write Error Masking Scheme for Highly Reliable MTJ-Based Nonvolatile Logic-in-Memory LSIs", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
71 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Design of a Multi-Functional MTJ-Based FPGA for an Ultra-Low-Power IoT Applications", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
70 | N. Ichikawa, T. Dohi, A. Okada, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Non-linear behavior of electric-field effect on domain period in Ta/CoFeB/MgO", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
69 | S. Gupta, S. Kanai, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, "Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectra of Permalloy Deposited on (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3", Kick-off Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics-, Sendai, Japan, 2018/2/20 |
68 | S. Fukami, C. Zhang, W. A. Borders, A. Kurenkov, S. DuttaGupta, B. Jinnai, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching for integrated circuits and neuromorphic computing", 2018 Tohoku-Harvard Workshop, Sendai, Japan, 2018/1/18 |
67 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, S. Fukami and H. Ohno, "Investigating the influence on magnetization switching of edge effects in nanoscale CoFeB/MgO perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions", 2018 Tohoku-Harvard Workshop, Sendai, Japan, 2018/1/18 |
66 | M. Oogane, Z. Jin, K. Fujiwara, and Y. Ando, "Challenge to high-resolution magnetic field imaging using magnetic tunnel junction based sensors", Harvard-Tohoku Workshop, Sendai, Japan, 2018/1/18 |
65 | H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, H. Sato, K. Nishioka, T. Watanebe, S. Miura, T. Nasuno,Y. Noguchi, H. Inoue M. Yasuhira, T. Tanigawa, H. Koike, M. Muraguchi, M. Niwa, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "High thermal tolerance synthetic ferrimagnetic reference layer with modified buffer layer by ion irradiation for perpendicular anisotropy magnetic tunnel junctions", IEEE. Inernational Magnetic conference, Singapore, 2018/1/5 |
64 | N. Ichikawa, T. Dohi, A. Okada, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "CoFeB thickness dependence of electric-field effect on domain structures in Ta/CoFeB/MgO", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
63 | M. Shinozaki, J. Igarashi, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Effect of free layer size on magnetic anisotropy in nanoscale CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
62 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Dependence of switching current on out-of-plane field in nano scale perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions at low temperature ", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
61 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Magnetic-field-angle dependence of coercivity in nanoscale perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions ", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
60 | S. DuttaGupta, T. Kanemura, A. Kurenkov, C. Zhang, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Antiferromagnet layer thickness dependence of spin-orbit torque and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in PtMn/[Co/Ni] structure", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
59 | C. Zhang, S. Fukami, S. DuttaGupta, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in W/CoFeB/MgO structure of various sizes", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
58 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching in Co/Pt multilayers for nanoscale MRAM with high thermal stability", 15th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, Sendai, Japan, 2017/12/14 |
57 | C. Zhang, B. Jinnai, S. Fukami, H. Sato, K. Watanabe, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, S. DuttaGupta, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque switching of nanoscale devises for high-speed MRAMs", 2017 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) poster session, San Francisco, USA, 2017/12/5 |
56 | H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, H. Sato, K. Nishioka, T. Watanebe, S. Miura, T. Nasuno, Y. Noguchi, H. Inoue M. Yasuhira, T. Tanigawa, H. Koike, M. Muraguchi, M. Niwa, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "Improvement of magnetic and transport properties in perpendicular-anisotropy MTJs by engineering tungsten insertion layer sputtering conditions", 2017 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) poster session, San Francisco, USA, 2017/12/5 |
55 | T. Nagura, S. Kawachi, K. Chokawa, H. Shirakawa, M. Araidai, H. Kageshima, T. Endoh, and K. Shiraishi, "Theoretical study on interface orientation dependence of Si thermal oxidation", 2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 2017/11/28 |
54 | H. Kageshima, K. Shiraishi, and T. Endoh, "Reconsideration of Si Pillar Thermal Oxidation Mechanism", 2017 International Workshop on DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS FOR FUTURE ULSI DEVICES:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IWDTF), Nara, Japan, 2017/11/22 |
53 | H. Ishii, H. Ueno, T. Ueda, and T. Endoh, "Drain Current Enhancement Induced by Hole Injection from Gate of 600 V Class Normally-off GaN Gate Injection Transistor under High Temperature Conditions", International Workshop on DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS FOR FUTURE ULSI DEVICES:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IWDTF), Nara, Japan, 2017/11/21 |
52 | Y. Yajima, K. Shiraishi, T. Endoh, and H. Kageshima, "Oxygen Concentration Dependence of Silicon Oxide Dynamical Properties", 2017 International Workshop on DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS FOR FUTURE ULSI DEVICES:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IWDTF), Nara, Japan, 2017/11/20 |
51 | S. DuttaGupta, T. Kanemura, A. Kurenkov, C. Zhang, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Characterization of spin-orbit torque and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in an antiferromagnet/ferromagnet structure", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/10 |
50 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Out-of-plane field dependence of switching current in CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular easy axis at low temperature", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/9 |
49 | C. Zhang, S. DuttaGupta, Y. Takahashi, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Magnetization switching by combining spin-orbit torque and spin-transfer torque in three-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/9 |
48 | M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, E. C. I. Enbio, and H. Ohno, "Effect of capping layer material on interfacial anisotropy in MgO/CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB/MgO/capping layer structure", 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017/11/7 |
47 | P. Seneor, &quoquot;2D materials for magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ)", Workshop CNRS/CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2017/10/20 |
46 | T. Nagura, K. Chokawa, H. Shirakawa, M. Araidai, H. Kageshima, T. Endoh, and K. Shiraishi, "First-Principles Study on interface orientation dependence of Si thermal oxidation", ICMaSS, Nagoya, Japan, 2017/9/30 |
45 | T. Endoh, S. Ikeda, H. Koike, Y. Noguchi, and H. Ohno, "Development of integrated circuit and 300 mm integrated process for spintronic integrated circuit", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
44 | H. Ohno, T. Endoh, T. Hanyu, and S. Ikeda, "Spintronic Integrated Circuit Project", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
43 | S. DuttaGupta, C. Zhang, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Quantifying Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from thermally-activated and flow regime domain wall dynamics", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
42 | M. Natsui, and T. Hanyu, "Energy-Efficient Data-Access Technique for an Ultra Low-Power Nonvolatile Microcontroller Unit", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
41 | M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Effect of CoFeB composition on magnetic and free-layer properties of MgO/(Co)FeB/MgO structure", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
40 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Coercivity dependent on magnetic-field-angle in a nanoscale CoFeB-MgO magnetic tunnel junction with perpendicular easy axis", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
39 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Design of a Multi-Functional MTJ-Based FPGA for an Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller Unit", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
38 | C. Zhang, S. Fukami, K. Watanabe, A. Ohkawara, S. DuttaGupta, H. Sato, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque-induced magnetization reversal in nanoscale W/CoFeB/MgO prepared with various tungsten sputtering conditions", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
37 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kuvenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque driven magnetization reversal in Co/Pt multilayer", The 3rd ImPACT International Symposium on Spintronics Memory, Circuit and Storage, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/23 |
36 | T. Nagura, K. Chokawa, H. Shirakawa, M. Araidai, H. Kageshima, T. Endoh, and K. Shiraishi, "Guiding principles for the fabrication of V-MOSFETs based on a Si emission model", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/22 |
35 | T. Sasaki, and T. Endoh, "Cross Point Type 1T-1MTJ STT-MRAM Cell with 60 nm Multi-pillar Vertical Body Channel MOSFET under 55 nm p-MTJ and Its Beyond for High Density STT-MRAM", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/22 |
34 | E. C. I. Enobio, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Evaluation of energy barrier of CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular easy axis using retention time measurement", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/22 |
33 | R. Ogasawara, and T. Endoh, "Sub 1 V 60 nm Vertical Body Channel MOSFET Based 6T SRAM Array with Wide Noise Margin and Excellent Power Delay Product" SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/22 |
32 | K. Shiojima, S. Murase, Y. Watamura, and T. Suemitsu, "In-situ mapping of degradation of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs using video-mode scanning internal photoemission microscopy", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
31 | K. Itoh, and T. Endoh, "Highly Efficient and Compact CMOS DC-DC Converter with Novel Transistor Layout of 60 nm Multi-pillar Type Vertical Body Channel MOSFET", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
30 | M. Natsui, and T. Hanyu, "Energy-Efficient High-Performance Nonvolatile VLSI Processor with a Temporary-Data Reuse Technique", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
29 | R. Ogasawara, and T. Endoh, " Sub 1 V 60 nm Vertical Body Channel MOSFET Based 6T SRAM Array with Wide Noise Margin and Excellent Power Delay Product", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
28 | T. Saito, and T. Endoh, "A Study of Validation of an Evaluation Model of Accurate Thermal Stability Factor for MTJs Using Its Thermal Dependency", SSDM 2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
27 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Design of an MTJ-Oriented Nonvolatile Lookup Table Circuit with Write-Operation Minimizing", SSDM2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/21 |
26 | C. Zhang, S. Fukami, S. DuttaGupta, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Device size dependence of spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in W/CoFeB/MgO", SSDM2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/9/20 |
25 | P. Seneor, "New opportunities for spintronics with graphene and other 2D materials", Bruxelles, Belgium, 2017/9/15 |
24 | T. Endoh, "Spintronics applications: STT-MRAM and Non Volatile Logic", ESSDERC/ESSCIRC2017, Leuven, Belgium, 2017/9/14 |
23 | H. Kageshima, K. Shiraishi, and T. Endoh, "Theoretical Study on Si-related Interstitials in Thermal Oxidation of Low-dimensional Si Nanostructures", International Conference on Defects of Semiconductors, Matsue, Japan, 2017/8/3. |
22 | T. Nagura, K. Chokawa, H. Shirakawa, M. Araidai, H. Kageshima, T. Endoh, and K. Shiraishi, "Theoretical study on thermal oxidation processes of Si(111)/SiO2 interfaces with Si vacancy defect formation", International Conference on Defects of Semiconductors, Matsue, Japan, 2017/8/3. |
21 | M. Shinozaki, S. Kanai, H. Sato, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, "Damping constant in nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular easy axis by ferromagnetic resonance under perpendicular magnetic fields", York-Tohoku Summer School in Spintronics, York, UK, 2017/7/27. |
20 | J. Igarashi, J. Llandro, H. Sato, and H. Ohno, "Magnetic field angle dependence of coercivity in a nanoscale CoFeB/MgO Magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular easy axis", York-Tohoku Summer School in Spintronics, York, UK, 2017/7/27. |
19 | T. Nakano, M. Oogane, T. Furuichi, and Y. Ando, "Magnetic tunnel junctions using perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnetic structure for wide-dynamic-range magnetic sensors", York-Tohoku-Kaiserslautern Research Symposium On "New-Concept Spintronics Devices", 2017/6/22. |
18 | C. Zhang, S. Fukami, K. Watanabe, A. Ohkawara, S. DuttaGupta, H. Sato, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque-induced magnetization switching in nanoscale W/CoFeB/MgO", York-Tohoku-Kaiserslautern Research Symposium On "New-Concept Spintronics Devices", 2017/6/22. |
17 | S. DuttaGupta, C. Zhang, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Distinct behavior of Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya domain walls in thermally-activated and flow regime domain wall motion", York-Tohoku-Kaiserslautern Research Symposium On "New-Concept Spintronics Devices", 2017/6/22. |
16 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Magnetization Switching of High Magnetic-Anisotropy Co/Pt Multilayers Induced by Spin-Orbit Torque", SpinTech Ⅸ, International School and Conference 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017/6/7. |
15 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Switching of Co/Pt multilayer structures by spin-orbit torque", SpinTech Ⅸ, International School and Conference 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017/6/5. |
14 | T. Oya, and T. Shinada, "Design of Majority Logic Gate for Single-Dopant Device", Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2017/6/5. |
13 | E. Prati, M. Celebrano, L. Ghirardini, P. Biagioni, M. Finazzi, Y. Shimizu, Y. Tu, K. Inoue, Y. Nagai, T. Shinada, Y. Chiba, A. Abdelghafar, M. Yano, and T. Tanii, "Revisiting room‐temperature 1.54 µm photoluminescence of ErOx centers in silicon at extremely low concentration", Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2017/6/4. |
12 | Y. Shimizu, Y. Tu, A. Abdelghafar, M.Yano, Y. Suzuki, T. Tanii, T. Shinada, E. Prati, M. Celebrano, M. Finazzi, L. Ghirardini, K. Inoue, and Y. Nagai, "Atom Probe Study of Erbium and Oxygen Co‐Implanted Silicon", Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2017, Kyoto, Japan, 2017/6/4. |
11 | D. Suzuki, and T. Hanyu, "Design of an MTJ-Oriented Nonvolatile Lookup Table Circuit with Write-Operation Minimizing", SSDM2017, Sendai, Japan, 2017/5/25. |
10 | N. Onizawa, M. Imai, T. Hanyu, and T. Yoneda, "MTJ-Based Asynchronous Circuits for Re-initialization Free Computing against Power Failures", 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, San Diego, USA, 2017/5/24. |
9 | M. Piquemal-Banci, R. Galceran, F. Godel, S. Caneva, M.-B. Martin, R. S. Weatherup, P. R. Kidambi, K. Bouzehouane, S. Xavier, A. Anane, F. Petroff, A. Fert, S.M-M. Dubois, J.-C. Charlier, J. Robertson, S. Hofmann, B. Dlubak, and P. Seneor, "Group IV Nanowires as Model Systems to Explore Phase Behaviour, Nucleation and Interface Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems", EMRS 2017 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 2017/5/22 |
8 | P. Seneor, "Graphene and spintronics", Photonics, Oostuinkerke, Belgium, 2017/5/10 |
7 | H. Honjo, S. Ikeda, H. Sato, K. Nishioka, T. Watanebe, S. Miura, T. Nasuno, Y. Noguchi, M. Yasuhira, T. Tanigawa, H. Ito, H. Koike, H. Inoue, M. Muraguchi, M. Niwa, K. Ito, H. Ohno, and T. Endoh, "Impact of sputtering condition for tungsten on magnetic and transport properties of magnetic tunneling junction with CoFeB/W/CoFeB free layer", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/28. |
6 | M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, "An interfacial anisotropy and Gilbert damping constant of double (Co)FeB-MgO interface structure of MgO/(Co)FeB/MgO", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/28. |
5 | S. DuttaGupta, C. Zhang, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Evaluation of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from thermally activated and flow regime domain wall motion", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/28. |
4 | B. Jinnai, C. Zhang, A. Kurenkov, M. Bersweiler, H. Sato, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Switching of Co/Pt multilayer structures by spin-orbit torque", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/27. |
3 | A. Kurenkov, S. DuttaGupta, C. Zhang, W. A. Borders, S. Fukami, and H. Ohno, "Spin-orbit torque memristive memory operated by pulses down to 1 ns", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/25. |
2 | T. Nakano, M. Oogane, T. Furuuchi, and Y. Ando, "Wide dynamic range magnetic sensor based on magnetic tunnel junctions using perpendiculary magnetized synthetic antiferromagnetic reference layer", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/25. |
1 | Z. Jin, M. Abe, M. Oogane, K. Fujiwara, and Y. Ando, "Detection of surface cracks using eddy current method with various serial magnetic tunnel junction sensors", EEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 2017/4/25. |